August Drought Sunrise

August Texas Drought Sunrise

We had a few minutes of a fast-moving rain storm before sunrise. When the sun came up, everything was wet and we saw real clouds for the first time in weeks. The air was muggy and still, filled with the odors of cattle and dust. It still felt good to me, as I walked around barefoot enjoying every drop of rain water I could touch. I imagined I heard the sighs of thousands of trees as they stood motionless. The cedars and junipers give a facade of green to hide the stressed hardwoods.  Maybe when the drought breaks we’ll get enough rain to assure our treasured crop of bluebonnets in the spring. I hope so … it could happen!

11 comments on “August Drought Sunrise

  1. dgworley says:

    I enjoyed your comment about the trees sighing. Let’s just keep praying for rain in Texas. More deadly wildfires breaking out every day. It officially hit a record 70 days of 100+ degrees here in D/FW. Hottest summer on record. Keep up the great work June. It helps to take my mind off the brutal drought we are in.

    • Texasjune says:

      Thank you so much. When I drive around to run errands, I see mesquite trees sprouting up along the roads. With this drought, it’s about the only tree that can thrive. I keep thinking, “Well, that wood is good to cook beef!” I’ve been cutting fire-breaks where I never needed to cut before; at least I feel like I’m being proactive until the rains get here!

  2. I wish we could have shipped you folks some of the extra rain from Irene! It’s frustrating when the rain ends up not where it is needed. I pray more rain comes your way soon and helps end the drought.

    • Texasjune says:

      At least it was just 100 degrees today, instead of 110! I’m watching the Gulf storm, and praying it doesn’t hit New Orleans again. This must be the year of the bizarre storms. Thanks for visiting, it’s a pleasure to hear from you. I keep checking your blog for more beautiful paintings!

  3. I hope you get more rain and some relief from the heat. How are your crops holding out?

    • Texasjune says:

      All my pastures are dry as dust, including my garden. We awoke this morning to a complete cloud cover, and the raindrops are scattered, but serving to delay the worst heat of the day. Somebody’s best wishes and prayers are making a difference! Did I tell you how much I enjoy your posts through an otherwise stressful summer? I appreciate you!

      • Thank you that very kind of you! I look forward to reading your posts and comments! They always brighten my day 🙂

        I can’t believe the summer you guys are having…It must be awful to look out and see your pastures full of dust.

  4. shoreacres says:

    We’ve had two “real” rains in July and August. Two weeks ago we got .53″ and on Thursday we got 1.75″. Now, the high’s settled in again and we’re due for record-breaking heat this weekend, but clearly the atmosphere is moistening up a bit.

    The computer models show the high moving westward after a week or so, and the possibility of something in the Gulf. It’s time to remember that old adage about being careful what we wish for!

    • Texasjune says:

      You’re right, a good time for a reminder. Our location is subject to wide variances of weather over the year. Hurricanes in the Gulf scare me because they can easily affect several neighboring states too. I’ve been thinking about how to improve structures to make working on the ranch more comfortable from the heat and cold – both for us and the livestock! Darn budget rules this roost…

  5. Miki says:

    Being from the UK (where it has been raining quite a bit these last few days), it’s hard for me to imagine what it must be like to live somewhere as different as Texas, but you paint a beautiful picture in this post. I hope you get that much-needed rain soon!

  6. magsx2 says:

    It’s nice to know that you finally got some rain over there. It’s raining really heavy where I am now (in OZ) I wish I could send some over there for everyone. 🙂

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